Presenters: Raegan Davenport and Diane Beer-Maxwell
Description: Looking for ways to promote citizenship and leadership through public service/public safety programming? The Supporting Readiness through Vital Civic Empowerment (SRVCE) curriculum blends inquiry-based civic learning, media literacy education, and exploration of careers in public service to prepare students to be active citizens and thrive in the workforce.
Developed in partnership with LAPSEN, the SRVCE curriculum is aligned with CTE standards for Law and Public Safety and Government and Administration pathways and cultivates interest in careers in public service while developing communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. Funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, SRVCE incorporates profiles and experiences of military veterans and others in public service to provide models, perspectives, and future possibilities for students. SRVCE also provides an opportunity for students to earn an industry-recognized Professional Communication credential through a pilot certification process achievable through the curriculum.
Participants will explore module activities, discuss strategies for teaching civics within CTE courses and career pathways, and leave with a free high school curriculum. This session is especially useful for academies of Law & Public Service or academies with a public service/government theme.
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