
Civic engagement is foundational for a thriving democracy, and high-quality civics education empowers youth to engage around issues they care about. Supporting Readiness through Vital Civic Empowerment (SRVCE) blends inquiry-based civic learning, media literacy education, and exploration of careers in public service to prepare students to be active citizens and to thrive in the workforce.

The SRVCE program is funded by the Department of Defense and led by Education Development Center (EDC), a global nonprofit that advances lasting solutions to improve education, promote health, and expand economic opportunity.

VIDEO | 1:23

SRVCE Civics Curriculum Promotes Student Inquiry and Action

Supporting Readiness through Vital Civic Empowerment (SRVCE) is a free new high school civics curriculum funded by the Department of Defense. SRVCE blends inquiry-based civic learning, media literacy education, and exploration of public service careers to prepare high school students to be active citizens and thrive in the workforce.

SRVCE partners include

Law & Public Safety
Nation Council for the Social Studies
Story Corps

The SRVCE program includes curriculum modules, a teacher toolkit, and professional learning resources. If you want to learn more about new initiatives or ways to partner, contact us!

Our Team

Jessica Juliuson

Jessica Juliuson

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Jessica Juliuson, an expert in college and career readiness, cultivates partnerships among schools, communities, and industry to enhance youth outcomes. Experienced in whole-school change, she leads innovative initiatives on instructional design, professional development, career and technical education, and youth agency. In addition to her role as SRVCE principal investigator (PI), she is a director for the Amgen Biotech Experience Program Office, overseeing a global community of practice to support program implementation and continuous improvement. She also facilitates the Career Academy Leaders’ Collaborative in partnership with the National Career Academy Coalition, and she supported Ford Next Generation Learning with the Ford Motor Company. She was the lead writer for EDC’s Law and Justice program and has published papers on the future of work for high school and K–8 students, teacher development, and bridging school and work.

Anthony Streit

Anthony Streit

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Tony Streit, co-principal investigator (co-PI) for SRVCE, is a managing project director at Education Development Center (EDC) with expertise in youth development, media literacy, out-of-school time, and informal STEM. Streit and his team provide professional development, program materials, research, evaluation, and technical assistance to organizations and educators in both formal and nonformal settings. Streit serves as the PI for the National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment (NCASE), a technical assistance initiative of the Administration for Children and Families to advance school-age care, and is a co-PI on a recently released landscape study on district summer learning strategies for the Wallace Foundation. Streit is also a co-founder of Street-Level Youth Media, a celebrated Chicago youth organization, and the past president of the National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE).

Jessica Brett

Jessica Brett

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Jessica Brett, JD, MEd, is a project director and program evaluator at EDC. She has extensive experience in research, evaluation, and technical assistance projects focused on whole-school reform, workforce development, civic education, college pathways, and youth in alternative settings. She has worked on multiple evaluation projects at both local and national levels using a culturally responsive lens. She has also developed curriculum for an after-school mock trial program serving at-risk students in the Boston Public Schools.

Raegan Davenport

Raegan Davenport

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Raegan Davenport is an experienced curriculum and research associate at EDC who specializes in professional learning design and facilitation. She currently serves as the professional learning lead and co-curriculum writer for the SRVCE project and community of practice manager for the Amgen Biotech Experience. She has worked as a professional learning lead for Detroit Public Schools, instructional coach lead for Wayne State University, and project-based learning expert at Ford Next Generation Learning.

Kate Goddard

Kate Goddard

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Kate Goddard is an experienced project manager, training and technical assistance specialist, and instructional designer. She develops, oversees, and advances programs that improve the quality and equity of out-of-school time (OST) learning. Building on her experiences as an after-school practitioner, she puts youth development at the center of all of her work.

Wendy Rivenburg

Wendy Rivenburgh

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Wendy Rivenburgh, an expert in project-based learning, media literacy, and civics education, empowers learners through inquiry and community engagement, with a particular emphasis on cultivating youth voice. She has extensive experience developing curriculum and professional learning for K–12 teachers and educators in out-of-school time programs. In addition to her role leading curriculum development for SRVCE, she manages strategic communications, outreach, and engagement. Among her expansive body of work, she has designed and led civics and media literacy training for Massachusetts teachers and created youth media curriculum for Adobe Youth Voices.


  • Ilana Ascher, Chelsea High School
  • Ken Ballard, Clark High School
  • Kevin Barney, Clark County School District
  • Frances Bell, New Bern High School
  • Kevin Bennert, New Bern High School
  • Johnathon Boyd, Grand Island Senior High School
  • Kim Bundy, New Bern High School
  • Emory Calhoun, Paul Lawrence Dunbar High School
  • Liam Conroy, Hope Street Academy
  • Christoper Cooper, Goose Creek High School
  • Taryn Davis, Goose Creek High School
  • Dr. Daton Dean, Booker T. Washington New Technology High School
  • Drew Dillion, YouthBuild Charter School of California
  • Calhoun Emory, Paul Lawrence Dunbar High School
  • Callie Evans, Monroe High School
  • Theodore “Ted” Frank, Milwaukee Marshall High School
  • Thomas Fulbright, Hope Street Academy
  • Asim Gaffar, College Preparatory School
  • Gary Haigh, Grafton High School
  • Tyler Kirby, Goose Creek High School
  • Tae Lee, Clark High School
  • Jessie Logan, Grafton High School
  • Robert “Robbie” Marsden, Vaux Big Picture High School
  • Amanda Mayr, Veterans Tribute Career & Technical Academy
  • Bruce Mize, West Point High School - North Campus
  • Erik Olander, Niagara Falls High School
  • Dan Pendenza, Chelsea High School
  • Jacqueline Pope, Sprague High School
  • Sarah Portewig, Goose Creek High School
  • Emily Smith, Goose Creek High School
  • Scott Stephens, Compass Midtown Charter High School
  • Shelina Warren, Paul Lawrence Dunbar High School
  • Douglas Webster, Clark High School


  • Stephanie A. Flores-Koulish, PhD, Loyola University Maryland
    Professor, Loyola University Maryland; NAMLE Board Vice President
  • Jane Lo, PhD, Michigan State University
    Associate Professor
  • Sarah Miller, Virginia Organizing
  • Jerry Reed, PhD, MSW, Education Development Center, Inc.
    Senior Vice President (retired)
  • Dr. Jay Steele, National Career Academy Coalition
  • Regan Turner, Istari
    Commercial Sales Executive

Student Advisors

Daniel Rew
Leo Koulish
Arianna Farro
Lia Gorbach
Anya Grondalski

Department of Defense

This material is based upon work supported by the National Defense Education Program (NDEP) for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education, Outreach, and Workforce Initiative Programs under Grant No. HQ0034-21-S-F001. The views expressed in written materials or publications, and/or made by speakers, moderators, and presenters do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Defense nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.